I just could find no one to share sth with...
Maybe things really went the way I thought
They got their own life...
only me still being left here
and my heart...
today is such a bad day...
that we got
everything went wrong
I can't accept that suck accidents
What the fuckin world that is
Utada said this might be the "Flavor of Life"
I am somehow disappointed with it
Could we recover
will the world ever be
a place of peace of harmony
But in this harsh reality
Sometimes I'm so despondant
sorry for the raining weather
sorry for the poor and soaking Golden retriever
sorry for the Shio's drunken Car Crush
sorry for the Yang's secession
sorry for the Michelle's class accident
sorry for Lisa's ALLS tears
sorry for being that kinda talkative
sorry for bringin that sissy umbrealla
sorry for the bad day
and the world...